Friday, September 30, 2011

Classy Girls and third wheels!

Hello Fellow Classy Girls!

I hope all is well and you ladies are keeping it classy as always! Now, let's get down to business. :D
So the blog title is classy girls and third wheels. Why this title this week? Well, I had a fantastic conversation with a fellow classy girl about a situation she was put in this week. This classy girl was at a sleepover with two of her best girls just having a good old time. (this is a pretty short version) Fast forward to night time, girls are still up, giggling, and whatnot one girl falls asleep, and my classy girl is just hanging out with the other girl when she decides to go to bed. Low and behold the other girl's boyfriend shows up! (by the way, this is NOT a classy move girls. that's another blog. ;D) Classy girl is laying on the floor, TRYING to sleep when girl number 3 and boyfriend start making out.
Okay, let me just say this now. HOW FREAKING AWKWARD AND RUDE.
Now that that is out of my system, what would a classy girl do in a situation like this where she is obviously cast as the "third wheel". In this particular situation, my classy girl didn't wanna be rude or mean (VERY classy) and so she sort of dealt with it. However, sometimes just dealing with it isn't good for your character. Ladies, we have to keep it classy AND sassy. What would have THIS classy girl done? Well, I would have politely excused myself and gone elsewhere to sleep. Had there not been anywhere else to sleep, I probably would have told the boy that he was infringing on my girl time. That I wasn't trying to be rude, but that this wasn't exactly a "makeout with your boyfriend" party. It was a sleepover.
Now, I know, some classy girls do not like being cast as rude or mean. So ladies, what I am trying to say is that if you are EVER put in a situation like this, whether it be at a friends house, or a party or whatever, simply remove yourself from the situation. Don't make a scene, (remember that's not classy) just politely excuse yourself and peace the heck out. Let me also reiterate that it is NOT classy to make out with your boyfriend in public. Light, cute kisses are actually adorable. No one needs to see you get pawsy with your dude. That's private.

That's all for this week classy girls. Remember that your attitude reflects your character.

Keep your chin up, shoulders back, and remember KEEP IT CLASSY. ;)

Friday, September 23, 2011

What would a classy girl do if....

Good Evening Classy Girls! Happy to be writing to you this evening. I do apologize that I have made you all wait all day, but I promise you won't regret it. Big BIG thanks to my fellow classy girl Jessie for giving me the idea for this weeks blog. It's titled "what would a classy girl do if"....I'm going to go over a few (somewhat) common situations classy girls deal with on a daily basis.

What would a classy girl do if....

--The underwire in her bra is poking out, but just on one side:

OKAY, this is probably the most heinous thing that I have had to deal with due to the fact that I always seem to buy the cheap bras. A CLASSY girl would politely excuse herself to the bathroom or someplace private where she could take off her shirt and bra. She'd pull the underwire out on one side, and use her nail file to make a little incision on the other side so she could pull the other one out. Well, now you're thinking "great, but where's the support?" Here's where the Magyver in you comes into play. Knot the straps in the back. Kinda like your swimsuit. It might be a little awkward, but hey, it will keep the ladies lifted to the right spot until you got the chance to get a new bra.

--She just found out her friends were talking about her:

Again, been there. A classy girl tries to get to the bottom of the rumor without making her presence known. Asking one girl at a time, but not making a deal about it. You need to keep your cool above all else. This does two things. 1)shows your friends that they don't control your emotions and 2)makes them feel bad for being jerks to you. Once you find the culprit, calmly sit her down and ask her what her problem is with you. Again, keep your cool. :D

--The heel on her shoe broke.

This one is a tough one. I personally have never been here, however IF this ever happens to me, I shall take both shoes off and walk barefoot. Yes, completely classy. Why? Again, you're showing the world that you can take life by the horns even when stuff gets rough.

--She thinks she's the source of BO everyone smells at the party:

Simple, dance your heart out, and do the 'arm in the hair half smell your armpit' dance. It's classy, and only a creep would have to be staring at you to know what you're doing. :D

--Her friends don't like her family:

Then they shouldn't be your friends.

Okay, I'm done, however please if you have any ideas to write about a new blog, submit them to

Coming soon: Classy Girls gets a twitter. <3

Friday, September 16, 2011

A couple of rules to live by...

Dear Fellow Classy Girls:

You are probably reading this because I asked that you check my new blog out. I have been reading a lot about some not so classy ladies....SO to get some of you on track, I thought I would remedy this situation by posting some "rules to live by for the classy girl". These are rules that include the boys, life situations, and so on. Pass it on to your ladies, ladies!

1) If he does not take you out on a date, dump him. He's probably a jerk who only wants one thing.
2) If he does not treat you like a princess, dump him.
3) Sex will not make him stay.
4) It is not classy to talk about your friends.
5) It is not classy to brag about how many guys you have dated.
6) It is not classy to wear uggs with shorts. (this one is mainly for my michigan friends)
7) Classy girls never get caught up in drama.
8) It IS classy to make him chase you.
9) No one cares how much you drink, smoke, etc.
10) A classy girl does what she wants, and people respect her for it.

Those are just a few. I plan on writing more once the situation arises, but so far, this blog will be about the everyday classy girl. ;)

Keep classy and sassy ladies. <3