Friday, December 9, 2011

Chivalry is only dead because we allow it to be.

Hello Fellow Classy Girls!

SO sorry I have not written a classy girls in a while. Between being super sick, and finals, and switching jobs, I have no life! Haha, but alas, this classy girl is back for the time being.

Anywho, I’d like to talk about something that has really been bugging me for a while. You classy girls are really starting to make me feel not so good. “But why Heavan” is all I can hear. Well ladies, here’s why:

Lately I feel like women in general are not being treated like they deserve by men. Ladies, you are all princesses, it’s time to start acting like them. My very first classy girls blog was a few notes about how to be a classy lady. Did you forget this?
Men are designed to take care of us ladies, so WE SHOULD LET THEM. Don’t get me wrong I am all about girl power. I know you all are independent. But there comes a point in time when you have to exert your independence elsewhere.
FOR EXAMPLE: The other day I was out with a guy friend of mine and he reached for his wallet to pay for my coffee. Immediately I said “no, it’s okay, don’t worry about it” and after talking back and forth for about 5 minutes, I finally caved and let him pay for it. Why? Because he wanted to. Because he felt like he had to take care of something as simple as a coffee in order to make me feel good.
In this day and age, we are hard wired into thinking that this is a man AND a woman’s world, therefore we should all work separately because that’s how it should be. Well, ladies…forget that garbage.
Now, I’m not saying you should DEMAND that guys pay for things, or hold doors open for you, or anything. That is actually far from what I’m saying. I’m telling you that if a guy wants to take care of you, FREAKING LET HIM TAKE CARE OF YOU. There is nothing wrong with that. It doesn’t show you’re weak, or dependent on the opposite sex to get you by. It shows that you are respectful. That you want people to treat you like that. That you respect another man for treating you like that, therefore other men will see that and actually fight for your respect. (Don’t even act like it’s not true ladies. You all know that it is. :D)
Chivalry is only dead because we allow it to be. We think that we have to be these big tough women who take care of themselves and act like our stuff don’t stink. Well, if it looks like poop, smells like poop, it’s probably poop right? STOP ACTING LIKE POOP.

That’s my rant for the week. Remember that you should always always ALWAYS keep it classy.

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