Friday, October 28, 2011

Get classy with your period ladies!

Happy Friday Classy Girls!

First off, let me say congratulations to one of my favoritist classy girls who had the cutest little baby on October 25th, NaTasha West! I love you all! :D <3

Okay, now time for classy girls! Haha, so I'm about to talk about a very touchy subject. Only because we girls make it out to be! Your period. Okay ladies, here's the deal. It happens. There is no reason to hide it, think it's gross, or feel ashamed for being a girl. It's a "way of life".
Those U by Kotex commercials always slay me. Especially the newest one where the girl is like "oh, just taking my purse to the bathroom, you never know when you're going to need your debit card". How cute.
Okay, so since this is classy girls, time to tell you how to be "classy". Afraid to be seen with pads and tampons? DON'T BE!
Let me tell you, I will walk up to just anyone and ask them straight out if they have something. No "do you have lady products" or "aunt flow is here". Why? The answer is simple. No shame. Classy girls are shameless. Classy girls will hold their heads high as they walk into that bathroom holding whatever they use.
Tell someone you're feeling sick and they ask why? Simply say "lady problems". Haha, I totally tell people that my uterus is falling out, which probably isn't the classiest of sayings, but hey, no shame, remember?
Bottom line ladies, stop making this monthly 'hassle' a freaking hassle! You're going to go through it. There really isn't anything for you to do about it.
Keep your heads up, and your attitudes higher.
Remember ladies, a classy girl IS a sassy girl. ;)

For the record, my bestest and coolest ginger friend has a blog titled "Period Fairy" for all things girl. ;) Check her out because she is totally and completely rad! <3

jessie's blog is here:

...Until next week. :D

Friday, October 21, 2011

Getting Stranded in Detroit, Drug Dealers, and losing sight of a classy girl attitude.

So it's friday. And let me tell you, I have had one hell of a week.

If you guys follow my twitter or my facebook, you know that yesterday I was supposed to go to the concert of a LIFETIME. I was super excited BEYOND BELIEF. So I'm driving to the concert with my friend Chelsea, when I notice that my engine is getting hot, QUICK. So I pulled over at the side of the road and popped my hood to see that my antifreeze was a little low. Being that we were only ten minutes away from the venue, I decided to get off an exit early and find a gas station to get some more antifreeze. Bad decision....
The neighborhood was awful. Like deep deep deep downtown. It was just not really a good place to be. In driving, I did not see a "no left turn" sign, (it was not displayed, I took pictures and everything. apparently it was 'common knowledge'.) And as I was turning around to pull into a gas station, I got hit. It wasn't a bad accident, just shook me and Chelsea up quite a bit. So I get my bearings, and pull into this gas station to take a look at my car.
Fast forward, I put antifreeze in it, and it just all pours out. So essentially I called my mother, who called my cousin, who both told me it was going to be impossible for us to go to the concert.
I was absolutely crushed. In a nutshell, we had to wait in the gas station for a couple hours for Chelsea's mom, and then another 2 for my mom and cousin who miraculously got a tow dolly last minute and were coming up to get my car and tow it home.
In the midst of all this, I was offered drugs, asked to sell my body, and got asked to 'hold a dollar for some food'. I wish I was exaggerating, but I'm not. Mom and NaTasha finally get there, get the car hooked up and I get home.
Fast forward to my NOT classy moment where I'm on the phone with someone, bawling my eyes out because I couldn't make it concert. My mother, bless her heart comes in to comfort me because she thinks that I'm upset about the accident, and still a little freaked out at the situation we were in, and I tell her that I'm all sorts of fine about that, I was just really upset about missing the concert.
Oh my reese's...what a spoiled brat, and how VERY unclassy of me. My mom and cousin didn't even have to do what they did, and I didn't even thank them. I didn't even put my selfish desires away to think about the situation I was in, and how absolutely tragic it COULD have been. The people that hit us could have been absolutely rude, the gas station I WAS going to pull into was so sketchy, and my car could still be in Detroit to this day.
My amazing mother and beautiful cousin are two of the most classy women I know. They always save my tail when anything is wrong no matter how bad the situation is. NaTasha's there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. Mom is my sanity when I feel like everything is falling apart. These are two ladies that I absolutely adore with every fiber of my being, and I want to publicly thank them for dropping EVERYTHING going on in their life to (once again) save my butt.
Special thanks to Susan as well for staying with me for so long. You definitely didn't have to drive all the way that you did just to sit with me for a couple more hours. I really appreciate you too. Thanks for doing the classy mom thing and making sure I was safe. Chelsea is so lucky to have such a good mom like you. :D

Moral of the story? No matter what happens in life, always remember that you have people who love you. And even though stuff doesn't go your way, keep it classy and remember that things could be SO much worse. And hey, hug your mother. Thank her for putting up with your ups and downs. Because had the roles been reversed last night, I probably would have beat the snot out of my child for being so darn ungrateful and selfish.

I love you mom and NaTasha. Thank you for being such classy ladies for me to look up to. <3

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Faux Pas: Say the first thing that comes to your mind! (Guest Blogger, Jessie Pratley)

Jessie Pratley is a fantastic friend of mine. She has a passion for writing like I do, and is even working on publishing a book! (really neat huh?) She's also a ginger which makes her even COOLER. ;) One of my favorite blogs that she writes is about the (never) gross and (always) sucky periods we classy girls have once a month. Check it out here:

Read on to see a classy take on the word "fake". :D Thanks for writing today Jessie. :D

You know that game where someone says a word and you have

to say the first thing that comes to your mind? I’m going to say

a word, and you have to say whether or not it is classy. Don’t

give it thought—just pick one.

Go! Pick one! Classy or not classy?

(Have you chosen?) Now I’m going to blow your mind.

It’s both. (Oh my gosh, did she really just say that? But

what about…?) It was a trick question. I tricked you. Come to

think of it, that might not have been a classy move, but I did

it anyway, and I don’t take it back. Nananabooboo.

You may ask how something fake can be both classy and not

classy. Really, it depends on what you thought of when I said "fake".

So here’s a small list of things that are fake and why I

think they are either classy or not.

Fake boobs: Not classy. Own what you’ve been blessed with,

ladies. (Reduction surgery for prevention of back problems is

understandable, though. Health is important and classy.)

Fake moustaches: Classy. Let yourself do something as

ridiculous as wearing a fake moustache for the sake of some

giggles. It’s super classy to have fun!

Fake nails: Classy. This also works for fake eyelashes,

hair color, etc. Body modification is classy if you use it for

self expression. It’s not classy, though, when you do it to fit in.

Fake IDs: Not classy. Juuuust wait until you’re old enough.

If you don’t wait, it won’t be as much fun when you’re of age.

Fake words: Not classy. Lying never is. Empty promises are

not ok. Say what you mean or don’t say anything.

Fake respect: Classy. You don’t have to like everyone, but

everyone deserves respect. Even if you have to fake it.

Fake fur: I think this one depends on the person. My winter

coat has fake fur. I think it’s pretty, and it keeps me warm. I

deem it classy, but I know some people disagree.

Fake personalities: Not classy. (Should be a no-brainer,

but I see it so often.) Be yourself. Not everyone is going to

like you, and not everyone should. If you’re not pissing off a

few people along your lifetime, you’re not living right.

Do you disagree? Great! Let us hear it in the comments.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

hey girl, can I get yo numba?

Hello Classy Girls!

I'm writing a quick blog for you guys before I go to work, because honestly I don't know when I will have the time to do it tonight, due to the fact that I'm getting my nerd on when I get home. haha. ANYWAY.

So this week a fellow classy girl told me about how she was eating breakfast and her waiter straight up asked her for her number. Uhm, excuse me what? Hahaha! I seriously was like "he just ASKED for your number", she's like "yeah when I was eating and everything". Okay, so how do you respond to something like this? Being the typical classy girl I am, I asked her if he seemed legit. By legit I mean, was he clean cut, did he have some sort of confidence, etc. According to her he totally didn't. Now mind you, classy girls are not shallow, they just have standards. She told me she did the very unclassy thing and told him that she had to go.
Okay classy girls, she's right that wasn't very classy. I probably would have kindly told the waiter that I was seeing someone, or said something like "Oh, I'd love to, but my fiancee wouldn't appreciate it"'s not classy to lie, however it's also not classy to purposefully hurt someone's feelings. I am curious though ladies, has this happened to you? How did you handle it?

This week I'm going to introduce a guest blog spot. This guest blog will be featured on Saturdays. If you are interested in writing for the classy girl's blog, send me an email at This isn't going to be an every week thing, but once classy girls gets popular, it could be.

Next week: Classy Girls gets a twitter.