Friday, October 28, 2011

Get classy with your period ladies!

Happy Friday Classy Girls!

First off, let me say congratulations to one of my favoritist classy girls who had the cutest little baby on October 25th, NaTasha West! I love you all! :D <3

Okay, now time for classy girls! Haha, so I'm about to talk about a very touchy subject. Only because we girls make it out to be! Your period. Okay ladies, here's the deal. It happens. There is no reason to hide it, think it's gross, or feel ashamed for being a girl. It's a "way of life".
Those U by Kotex commercials always slay me. Especially the newest one where the girl is like "oh, just taking my purse to the bathroom, you never know when you're going to need your debit card". How cute.
Okay, so since this is classy girls, time to tell you how to be "classy". Afraid to be seen with pads and tampons? DON'T BE!
Let me tell you, I will walk up to just anyone and ask them straight out if they have something. No "do you have lady products" or "aunt flow is here". Why? The answer is simple. No shame. Classy girls are shameless. Classy girls will hold their heads high as they walk into that bathroom holding whatever they use.
Tell someone you're feeling sick and they ask why? Simply say "lady problems". Haha, I totally tell people that my uterus is falling out, which probably isn't the classiest of sayings, but hey, no shame, remember?
Bottom line ladies, stop making this monthly 'hassle' a freaking hassle! You're going to go through it. There really isn't anything for you to do about it.
Keep your heads up, and your attitudes higher.
Remember ladies, a classy girl IS a sassy girl. ;)

For the record, my bestest and coolest ginger friend has a blog titled "Period Fairy" for all things girl. ;) Check her out because she is totally and completely rad! <3

jessie's blog is here:

...Until next week. :D

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